SIGN OUR WAIT LIST for Saturday, Jan. 19, 2019:
Orville Johnson, John Miller, & Grant Dermody

Orville Johnson, John Miller, and Grant Dermody will perform at the Duvall House Concerts Series on January 19, 2019, from 7-9 pm.Join Our Email List
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PLEASE NOTE: Reservations are now FULL, but we usually get some cancellations closer to the day of the concert. We encourage you to sign up on our WAIT LIST. We’ll let you know as soon as a spot opens up.

* Indicates a required field.
When you're done with this form, be sure to click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. We'll confirm that you're on our wait list.  
Your First Name*
Email Address: Make sure it's correct—it's our primary way to contact you! *
PHONE, Including Area Code We need this in case email fails or we have to contact you at the last minute. Preferred format: Just the numbers—for example, 4255551234 *

May we add you to our email list? We will never share your information with any third party, and will send only occasional emails (averaging 1-2 per month).
You are signing up to be on our WAIT LIST. Please tell us the Ideal number of seats you'd like: *
If you're requesting more than one seat, but we can't meet your full request, what is the fewest number of seats you would want in order to attend? *
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